Strategic Clarity
Bain & Company - Sep 16, 2021
The traceability transformation: How transparent value chains can help companies achieve their sustainability goals
A new report from Bain & Company and the World Economic Forum highlights the digital traceability journey and the challenges companies face along the way
McKinsey & Company - Sep 24, 2021
A playbook for newly minted private equity portfolio-company CEOs
Unprecedented private equity deal flow means more leaders than ever are stepping into the portfolio-company CEO role. Here’s guidance from the experts on the role’s unique challenges and demands.
McKinsey & Company - Sep 13, 2021
Steady state: Prioritising stability in a volatile market
How Santos CEO Kevin Gallagher led a comprehensive reform of the Australian energy company’s operating model.
BCG - Sep 8, 2021
Service Delayed Is Service Denied
Real time is the new just in time in digital transformations. ($) - Sep 8, 2021
3 Strategies for Managing Your Profit-Drain Customers
Improve their experience — and your bottom line.
Bain & Company - Sep 20, 2021
Tech-fueled growth poised to accelerate; Business strategy set to become tech-driven across all sectors
Bain & Company’s second annual Global Technology report explores the drivers of rapid tech growth as well as implications for consumers, businesses and geopolitics
Agile Insider - Medium ($) - Sep 13, 2021
OKRs are networks, not hierarchies
They don’t cascade, they integrate
BCG - Sep 9, 2021
Beyond the Black Box in Pricing
When B2B companies let technology drive their pricing governance models, they can lose sight of their strategic objectives. Smart pricing authority keeps them on course.
Fast Company ($) - Sep 22, 2021
3 unexpected benefits to shifting your mindset about time
Embracing long-term thinking can transform your career and business. ($) - Sep 10, 2021
Some Questions Benefit from Group Discussion. Others Don’t.
Research on the concept of “collective intelligence” has shown that in many cases, groups tend to come up with more accurate estimates after discussing a question than individual experts do on their own. However, a new study found that while this holds true for quantitative questions — i.e., “How long will the project take?” — groups are actually less accurate than individuals when it comes to yes/no questions, such as, “Will the project be done before the deadline?”.
B The Change - Medium ($) - Sep 14, 2021
Pursuing Business Purpose for a More Sustainable World
How Companies Can Lead with a Long-Term Mindset
Fun post outlining the process that Autodesk took to detect and explore possible futures for their business. I found myself really wanting to be part of the process that was outlined. They created a training program on “foresight frameworks to scan for weak signals of change” and the use of “flash fiction scenarios to explore the near and longer-term implications of these signals”. What fun – and how valuable!
Ellen Hlozan - Medium ($) - Sep 17, 2021
An Experiment in Applied Foresight: Building Inclusive Futures with a Global Community of Innovators
The following article details a research experiment developed over the last year and a half within Autodesk Research. More specifically, we’ll walk you through a project exploring how to engage a global community of innovators with foresight methods and the learnings that were teased out of this process.
Laughed at the quote by the executive at his corporate strategy session, “I don’t know why we do this each year. It always turns out to be business-as-usual.” Love the subsequent challenge to get executives to move beyond traditional internal strategy sessions and get out and interview key stakeholders, because it is with these stakeholders that insight and learning can be found. ($) - Sep 21, 2021
Executives, Let Stakeholders Drive Your Strategy
The traditional process of making strategy is about managers finding a way to align a company’s capabilities with its opportunities and environment. That works well enough when environments are relatively stable, but not in highly unstable ones.
Fast Company ($) - Aug 20, 2021
How to spot tomorrow’s macrotrends before they change everything
It’s easy to tell when a trend is in the process of transforming an industry. What’s trickier—and more powerful—is identifying them before their impact is unmistakable.
Great case study of UPS from the eyes of their new CEO, Carol Tomé. I really enjoyed her vivid description of the process she took the company through after inheriting the top role amidst the pandemic. The article outlines a very thoughtful approach to reorienting around purpose and values, integrating the voice of employees, and devolving some decision-making. This may seem basic, but, at the same time, it is so healthy. Love it.
Harvard Business Review ($) - Sep 1, 2021
The CEO of UPS on Taking the Reins Amid Surging Pandemic Demand
When the author agreed to accept the top job at UPS, the global shipping service, in late winter of 2019, she expected to steer the company toward a brighter future. She had no idea that she would have to do it during a global pandemic that made her organization an essential service but kept most people at home and pushed demand for shipped goods to holiday levels year-round.
john bessant - Medium ($) - Aug 18, 2021
The power of problem exploration
How taking time out to explore and reframe problems might help stretch our innovation capability
Important article on the need for “ethical leadership” and a leader’s role in doing so. Ethical leadership is the need to engage with and “navigate a world in which accountability is defined in different ways by different audiences”. Hence, it can be terribly disorienting. The challenge of engaging such multistakeholder environments is pertinent to all corporate leaders. The article recounts two different stories of poor ethical conduct and how each corporation responded. One company used a traditional playbook to respond while the other walked into the issue with humility and a growth mindset – focused on being a different organization in the future. The different responses are informative.
strategy+business ($) - Aug 16, 2021
A new role for business leaders: Moral integrator
With stakeholders and shareholders vying for attention, CEOs need to develop a new kind of ethical leadership to build trust in society and deliver results.
Love this article and the authors focus on the “soul” of the organization – as strategy! The authors state “organizations are living beings with souls — invested in improving everyone’s prospects, not just their own…CEOs must start formulating strategy with their souls and then execute it with their brains”. To sum it up, don’t miss the mention of Tadashi Yanai (CEO of Fast Retailing, which operates the Uniqlo stores) who took a day and a half of his management team’s time to talk through the 23 management principles that he espouses in his leadership.
MIT Sloan Management Review ($) - Aug 12, 2021
Strategy as a Way of Life
Businesses must root strategy in moral purpose to thrive in a complex, rapidly changing world.
AG Lafley - Medium ($) - Aug 10, 2021
A Cascade of Choices
Why are some brands able to succeed spectacularly where so many fail? When the people aren’t better or worse — not harder working, more dedicated, bolder or luckier than anyone else?
This article focuses on radically overhauling your organization’s customer experience (CX) to achieve market success. It speaks to the need to leverage human-centered design experts to do a deep dive into all of the interaction points along the customer journey (coined the “Midas Touch”). The authors also talk to the likely need to consolidate resources from other incremental CX improvement projects to provide ample support to do so. I really like this blank page design approach to meeting customer needs, but I also understand the organizational hurdles and inertia to take on such revolutionary change efforts.
BCG - Aug 2, 2021
CEOs Need a Customer Experience Revolution—Not an Evolution
Thanks to digital technologies and digitally savvy customers, companies across industries can create a customer experience unlike anything ever seen before. CEOs, take note: this could be the biggest growth opportunity to come along in decades.
All Time Favorites
McKinsey & Company - Jun 1, 2002
Harvard Business Review ($) - Jun 1, 2002
George Veth
We need to reckon with the purpose of the corporation and the purpose of our corporation(s)! This post is a conversation on the topic. A highlight is the need to have a longer term mindset on many dimensions of stakeholder value.